"   IWishTheyWould.net..."
Feathered, Furry


Feisty Forwards
Please click the link to the right
to hear an important message
on Heart Worms.
The link will take you to a news video.
I suggest you watch it and then
speak to your veterinarian.
Thank you...
Click here to view
Heartworm Video
Horse Whisperer

This girl riding the horse is in her 20's.
Her dad just died 24 days before this performance.
You can hear her dedication to him just before
her performance so turn up your speakers a bit.
Notice that it is just her and the horse - no bit, no saddle.
She just uses signals and verbal cues, she's mute.

Oh yeah, this isn't even her horse.
She is training it for someone else,
although she obviously has a relationship with this one.
I don't know how much you know about horseback
riding, but when they go fast, her bum isn't even bouncing
off the horse as you will see.

Click here to watch...

( YourWishMistress note:
This is so worth the time it takes to watch it.
Grab a hanky...nothing beats an awesome team effort.

"  I can't find my Mom.

Would it be okay if I hung around

with you guys? "

                 to read...

An Awesome
Texas Hill Country Morning

Is it Laundry Day ?

Watch where you step...

things aren't always as they seem !
Two of the greatest qualities in life are:

click here

Click on the African Grey Parrot

below to watch him jam to the tunes!


link will open in a new website

What kind of excuses have
you come up with
for missing work?

click on the "  devil kitty  "  to compare
Shop Jeffers Livestock Products Today!
Shop Jeffers For All Your Pet's Needs!
Sorry, no emails today!

I can't respond to any emails today.
Something has crashed on my
computer...and the mouse is missing.
Are you familiar with

white deer?

Absolutely stunning!
Link will open in a new site.

Wisconsin White Deer
Have you ever been to JeffersPet.com?

has treats, toys and medications
for your furry
( and not so furry )
family members.

Just click here,
then choose your pet category.
You' ll save time and money,
and the shipping and customer service
Shop for the Best Discounted Pet, Equine, & Livestock Supplies!

We all love our pets,
but do you ever stop to wonder
whatthey might be thinking?

Check out these
10 Commandments of Pethood
and see how much you already know.

Click on the paw print.

Some days, it just doesn't pay
to get out of bed!

Click on the kitty to see how we heard
your day was going.

Ever wonder how an open letter
to God would sound if your
' best friend ' wrote it ?
Here's one example.

Click on the little guy below to read...
" Dear God,"

Like orangutans?
How about hound dogs?
Wonder if they
could get along?

Let's see...                                   
Storms can be soooo scary!

Thank God we have each other

to rely on.

If only we could keep our secret...
Shop Jeffers Pet Products Today!
Shop for the Best Discounted Pet, Equine, & Livestock Supplies!
Shop for the Best Discounted Pet, Equine, & Livestock Supplies!
Shop Jeffers Equine Products Today!

Why was email invented ?

Betcha it's not why you think.

Click the mailbox to watch.

Do you think you know what
' true love 'really is ?

Click the elephant
to see an unlikely combination

How often have our awesome dogs
been there to babysit for us?

We expect so much from them,
that it's no wonder
they need a vacation once in awhile, too.

Click on this charming photo forward
to see the remedy for all this attention.
You can help us continue bringing
you these great forwards by...

... sending your favorite forwards to

...and/or by

...making a wee donation via PayPal.
PayPal is FREE, SAFE and you do
NOT need an account to use them.

Thank you so much for your support!!

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while using

For optimum viewing
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you can download Firefox*
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*Firefox is a FREE safer alternative to Internet Explorer.
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Looking for Aamir???

the runt of yourwishmistress' litter
has a new album!!!

to view or purchase


This is a link to the
2008 Doorpost Film Project,
a site of independent films.

most of the films there are
worth watching, and are very good,
Elenora fits the pet category.

She's not "feathered or furry",
but she could be "feisty".

Click on the fish to watch
Elenora ".

Very touching. Get your hanky ready.
If you want to know why

YourWishMistress is smiling,

you should visit our

Just For Fun page.

Nothing beats a good laugh!